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When is the right time to re-brand?


Re-branding can range from making simple tweaks for an overall refresh, to launching a completely new brand. Your logo might need to be modernised to keep up to date with modern trends or your brands visual identity might need to be altered to be line with a new business direction.

Why do you need to re-brand?

When your brand stops accurately reflecting what you do as a business; and isn’t showcasing you in the best possible light, then it’s probably time for a re-brand. In fast moving and competitive markets (such as the technology sector) it’s important to re-brand purely to stay relevant.

When should you rebrand?

The key changes that usually warrant a re-brand are:

Your changing your company name - This may seem like an obvious one, but if you’re changing the company name, your going to need a new brand to re-introduce your business to the world.

Your target market has changed - If you have changed your target market to focus on a new audience (perhaps bigger clients or expanding overseas), re-branding is a great way of appealing to new potential customers.

Products or services have changed - Over time business can move into different areas and as a result need to re-align their offering. If your business has introduced new products or services, you’ll need to look at how the brand now communicates to your customers.

Your branding Is looking dated - If you haven’t looked at your visual identity in a lot of years, chances are your brand is growing tired and perhaps a bit stale. Re-invigorating your brand is a great way to drum up new sales and raise the flag that you’re showing up and ready to do business.

Your company ethos has changed - If your business feels like it has a new energy to it, then perhaps your brand should reflect that too. A re-brand is a perfect way to turn over a new leaf.

You want to raise prices - Bringing in higher price points due to increased cost of materials, staff, overheads etc is a key turning point in a business. Changing the customer perception to be in alignment with the true high value of your products/services is a great way to ensure a seamless transition to the higher price point.

You’re not attracting top talent - The best experts want to work for the best companies. If you’re having trouble recruiting the level of expertise you’re looking for, raising the perception of your brand is a great way of moving the needle in the right direction.

What does a re-brand involve?

Re-branding is a process of re-discovering your own business and aligning it with overall strategic goals. Each project is individual and can include a range of steps. From discovery workshops to tone of voice exploration and visual representation, each step is carefully designed to achieve the required aims. At Planet, we are experts at creating brands. To talk to us about your brand requirements, email us directly or call +44 (0)1488 688560