Planet IA

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Without Good Design You're Worth Less

The Power of First Impressions

It’s no mystery that first impressions count for a lot, we all subconsciously make judgments in just a matter of moments. In fact studies have shown that in an interview situation, an employer decides in the first 15 seconds whether a person is suitable for the job*.

Of course these impressions relate to individuals. However what many of us don't appreciate is that we make the same judgments calls when it comes to design. Bad design, delivers the wrong first impression, and affects how the value of your business or brand is perceived.

What is bad design?  

We’re not just talking about garish visuals with spelling errors or pixelated imagery. These are obvious things to avoid. The bad design we’re focusing on is all about appropriateness. Let's illustrate this with an example. Imagine going for an interview at a bank, rocking up wearing ripped jeans and a slogan t-shirt. You may be great with numbers but guess what, they gave the job to the guy wearing a suit and tie. 

Your “value” is more often than not, determined by how you present yourself. You need to know how to sell yourself, know who you’re talking to and know what skills you need to show off. The same is true for (your) business. You need to ask yourself:

  • Who are your key customers or clients?

  • What are the strengths of your products or services?

  • How do you want to be perceived?   

Ignoring these fundamentals means you can very easily get off on the wrong foot. And we all know about first impressions...  

This is a fake 'bad design' visual, created for example purposes only.

What is good design?

Understanding your audience and highlighting your strengths is the key to creating good design. Brands that do this well, are met with the most success.

For example Innocent Smoothies highlights what makes them so good by promoting “nature” and “innocence” in every capacity they can. Visuals of lush green fields and bright organic colours promotes a sense of healthiness. Whilst using down to earth language, simple messaging and a friendly - rounded font helps to create a sense of honesty. Everything about their design language creates a synergy with both their name and the values they aim to promote.   

This is the right way to make a first impression.

Image from Google

What we do

As a design agency our first priority is getting to know our clients. Understanding what they’re about; and what they want to achieve. These are the first steps in the design process that help us to determine, how best to show you off.

We want to provide you with the best first impression.
We want to make your business worth more.